Saturday, December 8, 2012

Spiritual Deprivation and Our Children

Before you continue, this article is not about the practice of religion, asking Jesus into your heart, or finding salvation. Religion and spirituality come from different perspectives. Religion, I believe, while concentrating on the Deity of God also concentrates on denominations, rules, laws and rituals. When I speak of spirituality, I encompass God, the Christ consciousness and other ascended masters, arc angels, guardian angels and the belief that all roads lead to God in love and in light. I believe spirituality allows you to seek your own truth.

With that said, today I write from a place where I have been touched, grieved, and have been left a little heavy in my heart. I am not depressed. I have not lost sight of my vision or my goal of helping others find happiness, healing, abundance and their God within. But, I do believe as a community leader, activist, and advocate I have a grave responsibility.

It requires selflessness. It is a responsibility that goes beyond fame, recognition and fortune. It does not require or request government funding and grants to achieve. It requires a caring community to stand up and take its rightful position. It requires unconditional love.

As you can tell from my photo, I am an African-American woman. I have been all my life. I know that's a ridiculous statement but be patient with me today. I grew up in the South Bronx in New York City. It wasn't the notorious south Bronx when I was growing up; but, it wasn't an easy place to live either. I had to learn to fight early on as well as talk tough to keep others off my back. My parents taught me very early if I didn't want to fight, I better talk bad or run even faster. If I ran, I'd run all my life. They also taught me I could do and be anything I choose. That could go either way.

At that time, my community was predominantly a mixed community of African Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Jews. It wasn't by any means a surprise to walk into a black person's home and see their Bible on their coffee table or bed stand. Neither was it strange to walk into my Puerto Rican neighbor's home and see a picture of Mary on the wall with candles burning brightly beneath it. On Saturday, the Jewish Synagogue was filled.

Whether it was a christening, confirmation or bar mitzvah there was always some type of celebration honoring one's spiritual belief. We even had a neighbor who held rather strange rituals up and down our hallway on the sixteenth floor. She would burn incense, rattle bones and charms and speak in strange tongues. She and her family were from the Caribbean. No one ever asked them to stop. And, while everyone stayed in their apartment, peering from the peep hole while these rituals occurred, everyone respected their belief. It was their spiritual belief.

Interesting enough, all the children played together. The Blacks, Hispanics, the Jews, Italians and even those from the Caribbean islands. In addition, each of us, to some extent, held the fear of God, the fear of momma, and community in our hearts. You see, it didn't matter if you went to church on Saturday, Sunday or not at all. It didn't matter if you burned incense, read the Torah or the Bible there was something deeper instilled in each and every child. No matter where you went to get your spiritual boost at the end or the middle of the week, if at all, it was all grounded in something greater than yourself. The spiritual teachings we each received by example, somehow, instilled self-worth.

This is not to say some of us didn't grow up with challenges in the self-esteem area; but, somewhere inside, deep down, we knew we could find hope. We knew if we turned inward, prayed-whatever our prayer or type of prayer, we'd be all right. We'd be able to make it. We'd overcome. We didn't have to pray out loud. We didn't pray in our classroom. We just knew if we needed to, we could silently pray and there would be a connection and an answer.

Americans still believe so what has gone wrong?

Nine out of ten Americans still say "yes" when asked the basic question "Do you believe in God?" In 1976, Gallup issued a poll asking Americans, "Do you believe in God or a universal spirit?" At that time, 94% of Americans agreed. The percentage stayed fairly steady through 1994. In a survey asking the same question in May 2011, the percentage was at 91%. While it has decreased, the percentage of believers is still high.

So then what has gone so terribly wrong with our youth? This past Tuesday, I drove down from the beautiful Rockies to visit my eighty-nine year old mom in the city. She needed to purchase a few household items and we decided to pop into one of her smaller neighborhood stores versus dealing with the crowds at the larger well-known supermarket.

Shortly after entering, five young males and one young girl, ranging between the ages of twelve and fifteen entered laughing and talking boisterously. My intuitive alarm went off. And while I am grateful for my intuitive voice, this saddened me. These were only babes.

My mom and I continued to shop but my attention shifted to the young group several times. As we prepared to stand in line to pay for the items, I saw one of the young boys place an item under his shirt. When I got up to the cashier, I whispered, "they're stealing."

Catch 22

The young man working seemed to know who I was talking about but never looked in their direction. He never looked up for that matter. I then looked up in the ceiling of the store seeing cameras thinking, "They're busted. Someone from the back will probably approach the group soon and the police will be called."

Unfortunately, this made me even sadder. Calling the police, they'd be ensnared in the juvenile system especially if their parents were poor. They'd likely revolve in and out of the court & judicial system for a very long time possibly never breaking free of its enslaving, debilitating grip. However, I wanted them to be caught and jolted into walking the straight and narrow. Deep inside I wanted them to be scared straight.

Here is what is even more saddening. My mother and I are respected leaders, activist and advocates. However, while the thought crossed my mind of approaching these characters, my instinct kept me from reacting. Was I ready for a major confrontation by them and/or their parents? How many times, in today's society, has someone chastised a child only to be confronted, cursed or sued by a parent? Would they have respect and stand down? And while I was willing to take the risk for myself, I had my elderly mother with me. After all, the store clerk seemed to want no part of it. Maybe this was usual. Maybe they had been confronted before.

Afterward, my mom and I discussed what had occurred. We concluded if these children really knew who they were: not African-Americans, not Hispanics, Asians or any other American ethnicity, but if they knew they were truly somebody; if they realized their self-worth; if they clearly understood they were the significant, magnificence and marvelous creation made in the image and likeness of God, they would not, could not act or behave the way they had that afternoon.

If they had the fear of God; and while the fear of God does mean a) fear, terror and b) the awesome or terrifying thing (object causing fear) it also means the respect; reverence; and piety of God, the thought of needing to steal, especially junk food, would not have occurred to them. And if, they would have had the fear of community and momma-which in my day was greater than the fear of God, we would not have thought twice about confronting them.

Has our deprivation of spiritual truth allowed us to forget who we really are leaving us ignorant, weak and powerless? Thereby, leaving our children susceptible to failure, frail, and feeble pursuing a downward path void of love, meaning, and hope?

I believe each and every person is God in the earth. We may not remember or even care to remember but the God atom (Adam) abides within. I believe our children come to teach us lessons. They come to us from spirit in pure energy, light and love having left the divine presence of the All Mighty with their purpose and truth at their forefront. Why then are so many at such young ages losing their way? Why?

The Parental Solution

If you are a parent, I challenge you to stop right now and go into your child's room or call them on the cell phone you've purchased for their use. Tell them these words:

"I love you unconditionally. You are made in the likeness and image of All Mighty Divine Purpose and Power-God. You can do and be anything you choose. You are divine light and divine creation. You are a king, or You are a queen. You are Awesome."

Go ahead. I dare you. It doesn't matter your religion or your denomination. This is what will happen. That child will first look at you in disbelief then bewilderment. Then a sparkle will come into their eyes. They will be reminded. They will remember. They will be changed forever! In a split moment in an absolute twinkling of an eye! When you do this, feel free to let me know what came up.

And even if their behavior doesn't change for the better immediately, every time they choose something that is not of their true nature tell them again. Your words will eventually ring true and clear in their subconscious eventually leading to positive and lasting change.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   

Top 10 Myths About Islam

There are several myths prevalent about Islam. I will be talking about 10 of them, which are most prevalent in the social media world.

10 - Women can't give divorce and have to pay dowry for marriage

If it is mentioned in the marital contract then even the wife can give unilateral divorce. But it is not mentioned in the marital contract, then wife can either request the husband for divorce or if the husband refuses and the wife has good reason to ask for a divorce, she can go to an Islamic Judge and the judge would nullify the marriage.

Asking the would-be wife for dowry is a common practice in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. But asking the would-be for dowry whether directly or indirectly is prohibited in Islam. In fact the husband has to give his wife an amount of marital gift called 'Mehr'.

9 - Islam tells women to stay behind the veil, but does not teach men self-restraint

Normally people talk about Hijab for women, but Almighty God talks about Hijab for men first in Al-Qur'an 24:30 that if any man looks at a woman and any brazen thought comes into his mind, he should lower his gaze. After talking about self-restraint, then Almighty God talks about Hijab for in the next verse Al-Qur'an 24:31 that women should dress modestly, complete body covered and the only parts which can be seen are the face and hands till wrists.

8 - Islam requires 4 witnesses to prove rape and punishes the rape victim for adultery

Qur'an says, "And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and do not produce four witnesses (to support their allegations),- flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors;-" (Al-Qur'an 24:4)

So if anyone accuses a woman of adultery, then the accuser has to bring 4 witnesses to prove it or otherwise the accuser is given 80 lashes. So 4 witnesses are not for proving rape, but rather the requirement of four witnesses is protect the women from false accusation. In a case of rape the victim's testimony, circumstantial evidence and a medical report proving rape are enough.

The rape victim is not punished. When a rape victim launches a case of rape against a man, then the woman can not be charged with adultery and can not be punished for adultery.

7 - Islam Promotes Honor Killings

Islam is totally against honor killing and if any man kills any woman in the name of honor killing, then that man is punishable by death in Islam.

6 - Women are forced into marriage in Islam

In Islam nobody can force any woman into marriage against her wishes, not even her father. The marriage can only take place if both the woman and man willingly agree. And if anybody forces any woman into a marriage, then she can go to an Islam Judge, who will invalidate the marriage. Because it is mentioned in a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari Volume 7 Book 62 Number 69 that once a lady came to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and said that her father has forced her into a marriage against her will and the prophet invalidated the marriage.

5 - Islam subjugate the Non Muslims rights to worship

Islam makes it compulsory for the Islamic State to protect the Non Muslim's places of worship. Islam gives Non Muslims full rights to worship as required in their religion. Islam even prohibits abusing any god or goddess that they worship. As the Qur'an says in Sura Anaam Chapter 6 Verse 108, "Revile not those that they worship besides Allah; lest in the ignorance they revile Allah."

4 - Islam treats women as second class citizens

In Islam, men and women are equal, but not identical. In some cases women have a degree of advantage while in other cases men have a degree of advantage. For instance, women get more love and compassion from the children in Islam, so that is a degree of advantage for women. While Allah, the Almighty God has given more strength to men; so in strength men have a degree of advantage.

Islam gave women the right to vote, the right to own their own property, to work and Islam makes it compulsory that if a woman does the same work as a man, then she should also get the same salary as the man. Islam gave women all these and many more rights 14 centuries ago, while the rest of the World only recently gave women these rights. That is why two third of the people, who convert to Islam are women.

3 - Islam was spread by the sword

A widespread myth about Islam is that it was spread by the sword, but people fail to realize that Muslims armies never went to many Muslim majority regions and countries. For instance, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the World and no Muslim army ever went to Indonesia. Qur'an unequivocally says, "There is no compulsion in religion." (Al-Qur'an 2:256)

2 - Islam supports terrorism and killing of innocent human beings

Islam is against terrorism and the killing of any innocent human beings. As the Qur'an says in Sura al Maidah Chapter 5 Verse 32, "if anybody kills any innocent human being, lest it be for murder or spreading corruption in the land, it is as though he killed the whole humanity and if anybody saves the life of any innocent human being it is as though he saved the whole humanity." Meaning that if anybody human beings kills any innocent human beings, it is as though the killed the whole humanity.

1 - Jihad means Holy War or any war fought by any human being

Jihad does not mean 'Holy War', the word for 'Holy War' in Arabic is "Harbon Muqadasa", which does not occur anywhere in the Qur'an or any saying of the prophet. Jihad does not mean any war fought by any Muslims for any reason. Jihad comes from the root word "Jahada", which means "to strive, to struggle". If one strive for a good cause, it is called "Jihad fisaibillah" meaning "Jihad in the way of Allah" and if anyone strive for a bad cause it is called "Jihad fi sabi Shaitan" meaning "Jihad in the way of the Satan." The Holy Qur'an teaches Muslims to strive in the way of Allah for the good cause. The word used for fighting in the Holy Qur'an is "Qital". Islam only permits fighting in self-defense and against tyranny and oppression.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Getting the Best From Pastoral Counselling   

Why Is Reading The Bible So Important

Many people in the world wonder why is reading the Bible so Important? This short article will help give you some insight into why reading this historic book is so important.

Reading the Bible is important because you can learn everything you need to know about scripture, God and the Lord Jesus. This book is Gods words that he gave to us. It shares things that are truly outstanding and helps people understand what life is really about.

The book allows for us to see past the everyday modern life and lets us explore a life that we never thought existed. It allows us to see things and feel things that we never thought possible. It also shows what is right and what is wrong in the world.

This book acts like a life boat to many people and sometimes it is. This book can help save people from sinful ways and help them overcome their past wrong doings. You can also learn from the many characters that are written in it. For example like David and Goliath. This teaches you that when you believe in God you will overcome any large obstacles that are standing in your way. It teaches that God can be forgiving and will always love those who trust in him.

This book teaches many lessons that are throughout life and if you take the time to read it, you will learn many things that you never thought you could. It tells so many different stories that will keep you going in life no matter what obstacles are put in your way.

Reading the Bible is important if you do not want to stray from the path. If you keep your mind and heart open you will see exactly what this book can do to bring happiness into your life.

The Bible is the word of God. If you do not read it, how can you be sure what you are supposed to do in life to end up with Him for eternity? Many people replace reading their Bible with listening to sermons on television or in church. While this is also a good thing in helping you to be able to understand the scripture, you should be able to ask questions about the parts that you have trouble understanding.

There are some things only in scripture that you might never know about unless you read it for yourself. You could listen to a sermon every day and still miss out on a great portion of God tells us in the written word and the things He teaches. How can you know what to ask of your preacher if you do not read and find it out?

Make the time to sit down and read the scripture every day. You should make a time to do this and make sure that you stick to the schedule you have chosen. This is great way to practice discipline that is good in Gods eyes. You will also begin to see the great knowledge you will start to have about the word of God.

When you experience scary or troubling times in your life, the answers you need are always present in the Holy Bible. Open it and start reading wherever your eyes fall. You might be surprised at how God can speak to you in this way and give you the only ways to get things in your life straightened out. Many trials and tribulations are solved in the Bibles stories. We all have something to learn from all of them.

If you have trouble applying what you find in the scripture to what is happening to you in your life, then you should take the time to talk to your preacher. You can get the direction you need from a person who knows the word of God. He will be able to guide you to books in the Bible that describe the situations you are in.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   

Has America Become Insensitive To The Plight Of The Poor?

It is a well-known fact that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles from the very beginning. The founding fathers had a deep faith in the Christian religion and based all their laws and moral codes on the principles taught in the Bible.

Christ summarized the law given in the Old Testament in two simple but profound commandments - Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself. We see these qualities being passed on through successive generations of people in America. Much of American philanthropy and altruism came from these principles based on scripture.

It is important to understand that it is not possible for someone to give something that they do not possess. Only when they receive something from someone and have an awareness about what they had received, they can then turn around and share it with others. Likewise, unless someone has received true love from God, they cannot reciprocate that love to God, or show true love towards their fellow-humans.

A clear understanding of the Bible would reveal that God loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die for us so that we can forever live in splendor in heaven. When we understand the kind of love that God has shown towards us in sacrificing His Son for us, we will automatically be compelled to love Him and our fellow-humans. Therefore, we first need to receive God's love individually, and only then can we truly love our neighbors. We cannot give what we do not possess. To show selfless love, we need to receive it from the Author of selfless love.

This is precisely what motivated the early people who practiced the Christian religion in America to care for the underprivileged. They built schools, colleges and universities and established foundations so that people would never have to give up education for lack of funds.

This is not to mean that people who are not Christians can never love. There are so many good people of other faiths who have shown a great deal of compassion and sympathy towards the needy. It is just that the core values of American philanthropy and altruism has its roots in Christianity.

But now that America has almost become a post-Christian nation, people wonder whether America has become insensitive to the plight of the poor? Although politicians are making efforts at the government level to help people below the poverty line, is the average American as sensitive to the needy in his or her own community and neighborhood as their forefathers were in the early days?

If Americans lose their Christian values, they could well be on their way to becoming insensitive to the plight of the needy in their own land, let alone being bothered about people in other nations. Only time will tell whether the citizens of this mighty nation will hold fast to their virtues which made them a successful nation in the first place, or throw them away in the name of freedom and suffer the consequences mentioned in Biblical prophecy.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   God Sees All and Knows All, Especially Our Hunger   Hated by All Nations For The Testimony of Christ   

"Tongues" and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Before delving into our detailed study of "tongues" and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it would first be appropriate to cover a few other important things about the Holy Spirit. To begin with, who or what is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is not a "thing" or an "it". The Holy Spirit is a "person". The Holy Spirit is repeatedly referred to throughout the New Testament with personal pronouns. Numerous scriptures call the Holy Spirit "He", "Him", "His" or "Himself" (John 14:16-17; John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:7-8; John 16:13-14; Romans 8:26-27; 1st Corinthians 12:11). Other texts refer to the Holy Spirit as "I" or "Me" (Acts 10:19-20; Acts 13:2; Revelation 2:7; Revelation 2:17). The Holy Spirit is also given attributes of "personhood" in the Bible. Many scriptures reveal that the Holy Spirit "speaks", by stating that the Spirit "said" or "says" (Acts 10:19-20; Acts 13:2; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17 and 29; Revelation 3:6, 13 and 22). Romans 8:26-27 says that the Holy Spirit "prays" and has a "mind". 1st Corinthians 12:11 reveals that the Spirit has a "will". In Ephesians 4:30, we're told that the Holy Spirit can be "grieved". Furthermore, Acts 5:3-4 states that the Holy Spirit can be "lied to". And, 1st John 5:6 tells us that the Spirit can "bear witness".

According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit is not just a person; He is a "divine" person. Several New Testament passages reveal that the Holy Spirit is God. The Scriptures state that the Holy Spirit can be "blasphemed", and only God can be blasphemed (Matthew 12:31-32; Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10). Jesus' "great commission" to His followers, in Matthew 28:18-20, tells us to not only baptize in the name of the Father and the Son, but also in the name of the Holy Spirit, and only "divine" beings are listed in this passage. The Bible says that Jesus, the divine Son of God, was "conceived" of the Holy Spirit, and that He was the "child" of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-20). If Jesus is the Son of God, and He is the "child" of the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit has to be God. Likewise, in Luke 1:35, the Scriptures reveal that the Holy Spirit "came upon" Mary, thus producing the "Holy One", the Son of God, Jesus Christ. And, in Acts 5:3-4, we're told that when Ananias led to the Holy Spirit, He lied to "God".

At this point, and before moving on to discuss the baptism of the Holy Spirit and "tongues", it would be appropriate to mention a few important things. The Bible is clear that there are three members in the Godhead: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The God of Christianity is "One God" manifest in three distinct divine beings. Several scriptures refer to God by using the "plural" pronouns of "us" or "our", such as Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:22 and Genesis 11:7. And, several scriptures refer to all three members of the Godhead in the same passage, such as Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:22, John 14:16-17, John 15:26 and 2nd Corinthians 13:14. Also, in John 8:17-18, Jesus refers to the Father and Himself as being two distinct and separate witnesses. Furthermore, in John 1:1-2, the Bible states that Jesus was "with" God, and yet that J

Faith for Life Comes Working Through Love

"... the only thing that counts is faith working through love." ~Galatians 5:6b (NRSV)

The apostle Paul, through Galatians, is perplexed, as he was with the Corinthians, about how to deal with their propensity to add to their faith items of the Law; circumcision in this case.

Somehow they felt that Christ's obedience on the cross was not sufficient. They were being misinformed. They were trusting false informants. And being so close to Judaism was a problematic distraction.

Even in our day, when we are not under such legalistic influence from a religious setting, our souls bend toward finding something to add to our faith; to make it 'better' - to somehow deserve our salvation.

We make deals with ourselves. If we do 'this' (something holy) we will feel better about ourselves. If we do 'that' (something sinful) we feel worse about ourselves.

But true faith is not so much about judging ourselves right or wrong as it is about accepting we are saved despite our sin. In fact, we are saved because of our sin. True faith is not so much about obeying agreed rules as it is discerning the intricate will of God in our circumstances.


When faith becomes not so much a competition against ourselves, of strictly enforcing our obedience, and more so a simple trust in God, even with its failures - we have grasped it better.

The Christian who constantly appreciates their susceptibility to sin, who appreciates the importance of repentance, knows the magnificence of grace - God forgives unconditionally.

When such a faith is operating, sins are not justified, but they are worked through, with the help of God's grace, so the stench of guilt and shame are dealt with and the sin is not denied. The sin doesn't crush us; grace liberates us.

In such a way faith is exercised by believing in the power of God's grace to forgive, which is love. Grace is the perfect manifestation of love.


Faith always works in practical ways by helping us improve our untenable situations.

Faith is the agreement beforehand, and the commitment to endure, to not give up.

How else could we live justified by God, and in our consciences, by living guilt and shame free? Faith works by love. We could not sustain our faith unless we could feel God's love. We would struggle also to maintain our faith if we didn't accept ourselves.

Faith works when it is working through love. When we are rightly related with God, our experience of grace fuels our faith, through love.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   

Holding the Fear at Bay

Jesus encourages and challenges his disciples on the night he was betrayed, poignantly at a time, just hours before his persecution and death, when he should have been most fearful:

"I've told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you'll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33 (GW)

What audacious words these are. They are not simply audacious but true, too.

When we think about it, Jesus never promised any moments of fear-free living. No, many moments of our lives are loaded with fears of all varieties and to varying extremes. Fear may be so prevalent it mars our entire existence. Somehow we learn to cope or maybe we don't.

Now, here is the thing. Fear is the opportunity.

Its presence highlights, as a trigger, the need to dwell in the courage of the Lord who has already overcome.

When we consciously undertake to face our fear, living as pleasantly as we can with it, fear itself is seen truly for what it is - painful or uncomfortable, for sure, but the evil mystique vanishes, and what we are left with is just the work.

With the work isolated all that is needed is the discipline of diligence - to remain focused beyond distraction.


Holding our fear at bay can be as simple, or as difficult, as keeping matters in perspective so that reality is constantly in focus. This done, the imagination is subdued and saved for more elaborate and purposeful work, like creating or sustaining vision regarding what is truly important.

Imaginations are best deployed on our finest creative works, not wasted embellishing our fears.

We need no help in being fearful, surely. As we limit our imaginations for the positive brushstrokes of the mind, we redeem hope, joy, and thankfulness, and a vehicle for faith is fully licensed and ready to run.

And it is faith that must secede fear, as we grasp the opportune time for courage to release us from torment. Importantly, there is the role of the awareness.


Many may still be completely unaware of the many disabling forms of fear that limit us. Awareness is paramount. How could we otherwise act if we are unaware? We must first become aware.

When our awareness of our fears, the admission of our anxieties, and the manifestation of our avoidance is made known then we can do something about it. Before we are aware we are sublimely ignorant.


Fear is the trigger for faith; to dwell in the courage of the Lord who has already overcome. When we face our fears the fearsome power within the fear vanishes.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Christian Churches Become Wealthy While Children Die From Starvation   

Calculating Down To The Final Seven Years Of Tribulation

All Scripture References Taken From The Original King James Version Of the Bible

As I calculate down to the seven years of tribulation, I'll be working off the Jewish/Babylonian/Lunar Calendar. I note here that I will also use Hebrew/Greek words in my calculations because they are critical to the reader's understanding of how we reach the seven year Tribulation of Daniel's prophecy, that has not yet come. ("H7620.. shabuwa` shabua` shebu`ah.. Properly passive participle of H7650 as a denominative of H7651; literally sevened, that is, a week (specifically of years): - seven, week."), found in Strong's Concordance module in e-Sword..

NOTE: "SHABUWA/Weeks of Years, " and "SHABUA/Week of Years, " are ALWAYS counted in SEVENS, (i.e. 7 days, weeks, months, years). Please don't lose site of that fact or none of this will make sense. Here's how it works:

READ: DANIEL 9:24-26

7 (Weeks of years/"shabuwa") x 7 = 49 years

"Threescore" (60 prophetic weeks, 7 years each), + (2 weeks of 7 years each), calculates out like this:

60 x 7 + 2 (two weeks of seven years each is 14 yrs.) = 434 prophetic years

Then we add the first (49) years, and here is what it looks like

60 x 7 + 14 (weeks of years) + 49 = 483 prophetic years, or (69 weeks/"shabuwa" meaning, 7 years each), which have already been completed in biblical times

***REMEMBER, (70 PROPHETIC WEEKS), were determined upon the holy city and it's people. According to my math, we are missing seven, (7 prophetic years, or one "shabua" week), of Daniel's prophecy. So where are the missing seven years, you might ask... Well, I'll calculate them for you now...

70 x 7 weeks of years = a total of (490) prophetic years. WAIT, there's more to calculate...

Let me pause for a moment to note that FROM, the initial decree to rebuild Jerusalem, (beginning in the year of 444 B.C. in the month on Nisan - March/April). TO, the FIRST coming of Christ, riding into the rebuilt Holy City of Jerusalem, on a donkey, took, (483 or 69 Babylonian/Jewish years), after which Jesus was "cut off" or crucified, just a few days after leaving Jerusalem. We still have seven, (7) missing weeks of years, so lets find out what's going on with that... Notice that on the Jewish/Babylonian calendar, there were always two months together.

Still working from the Babylonian/Jewish/Lunar calendar

483 prophetic years, (from decree to rebuild Jerusalem to Christ's first coming)

490 Jewish years to fulfill Daniel's, (70, weeks of years/"shabuwa") prophecy


After running the numbers, I've shown you that there are seven, (7) years left to go in order to fulfill Daniel's (490 year), prophecy, given to him in a vision, delivered by Gabriel. Now, let's take notice that there is a reason these final seven years, (of Tribulation or Time of Trouble), have not materialized as of yet, it is because, every since Jesus was crucified on the cross, (which ushered in a period, or Dispensation of Grace, sometimes called a GAP), we have been living in the GAP or Grace period.

However, the Grace/Gap period will end and the last Seven, (7), Years of TRIBULATION will have officially begun, when the Antichrist, (first beast, or prince, along with his sidekick, the False Prophet, second beast), comes on the scene and makes a One Prophetic/Shabua Week agreement /covenant with the Israeli Jews). This clearly DEBUNKS the myth that says, there is no such thing as the Seven Year Tribulation. The bible may not specifically dot every (i) and cross every (T) with the exact wording, however, all one needs to do is CALCULATE!


MYTH ONE: There is NO Seven (7) Year Tribulation - My calculations in this article, (I believe), have proven that statement to be totally FALSE

MYTH TWO: That the death of Jesus on the cross is what ended or severed the covenant agreement that was made with the Israeli Jews... FALSE

NOTE: Let us take a closer look at the second myth. Jesus' death on the cross was NOT the reason for the covenant with the Jewish people being broken, quite the contrary. The latter half of, (DAN. 9:26), clearly states that Jesus didn't die on the cross for himself or for the "people of the prince, " (note, this prince is spelled with a small p), the Antichrist is sometimes referred to, (in scripture), as prince. Also, notice in, (vs.25), it uses a capital (P) when referring to the "Messiah" being "cut off" or crucified.

Verse, (26), also says that the small, (p), prince will come and destroy the "city and the sanctuary, " or Jerusalem and the Temple. THAT'S NOT GOD/JESUS. At that point, God destroyed the land with a "flood, " REMEMBER Noah and the Arch? Verse, (27), of Daniel's vision/prophecy, lets us know that this prince will make a one week, of seven years covenant, "with many, " meaning the Jewish nation of Israel, I think it was called Judah in Bible times.

The prince/Antichrist will break this agreement with the Jews in the "midst of the week, " or middle, ( 7 years divided by 2 = 3 1/2 years), according to, (DAN. 9:27), this is what ended the Jewish sacrifices and prayers in their beloved TEMPLE. OUR God will NEVER make and then break a promise. God does EVERYTHING in an orderly and timely manner.

Don't forget my calculations and the Hebrew word, "SHABUWA" (meaning, weeks of years, each week = 7 years), which leaves ONLY one prophetic week that has not come to pass. This is our missing week/seven years of TRIBULATION, which will END Daniel's,(70 year), PROPHECY, after which Jesus will make his TRIUMPHANT SECOND COMING, that's the GOOD NEWS. Although, the Holy scripture states CLEARLY, that NO man will know the day or the hour, when the Son of man shall come, (READ: Matthew 24:36-39... Focus on verses, 36 & 37), make no mistake, God is coming back AGAIN. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Getting the Best From Pastoral Counselling   

Don't Let Yourself Neglect Your Private Prayer Time

The neglect of private prayer is the locust which devours the strength of the church.

-Charles Spurgeon-

A vital and powerful prayer life is something that many Christians neglect. We have seen how powerful it can be from firsthand experience and believe it is something we should do, but the kind of prayer that changes the hearts of people, churches, or cities usually takes a lot of time and energy.

The early church had much strength and power because they were sold out to God completely and wanted to do whatever it took to advance His Kingdom. That was their first priority because they had realized this was the most important thing.

Before Jesus came to teach them a new and better way, they had lived each day under a huge legalistic and religious burden; this new way of life was a breath of fresh air and light as a feather compared to what they had been used to. They embraced it completely and in the years that followed, their zeal about this new relationship with Christ enabled them to turn the world around them upside down for Him.

There have been several revivals that have been recorded in history as being so awesome that whole towns were so changed that bars had to close because they had no patrons.

Each of those revivals came about because of prolonged and intense prayer. I think Satan has very slyly and quietly convinced us that those were great revivals, but something like that couldn't happen now. He desires to keep us so busy doing menial things that we won't stop to realize that we have gotten our priorities all mixed up.

In robbing us of the priority and urgency of prayer, Satan knows that we won't have the ability to be used by God in a mighty way. We can't do supernatural things if we have no supernatural power.

If there has ever been a time we Christians need to be real and walk in the power of a supernatural God it is now.

The world around us is hungry, thirsty and seeking for something real by looking in all the wrong places; we have that "real thing" and there is no substitute for it anywhere else.

If your prayer life is not what it used to be or not what you would like it to be, ask the Holy Spirit to help you make it a priority in your everyday life. Let God make you a willing vessel that He can use in a mighty way to carry forth His work here on earth.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Do Not Worry   

For Overworked Pastors, a Restful Vacation Takes Preparation

A 2012 study by American Express found that 140 million Americans were planning to travel this summer (as reported on the USA Today Travel blog). Yet in my conversations with clients, what I'm hearing is that if they are planning a vacation (and many aren't), it's not something they're looking forward to.

In a revealing post on the Day 1 blog, the Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow[a] shares the results of a poll he took of his clients, Facebook contacts and Twitter network. He asked the simple question, "Why don't pastors take vacations?"

One of the answers he heard was that taking a vacation is "not worth the energy and resources... I have to work twice as hard before and after just to take time off."

Even though this post was written more than two years ago, it echoes what I've been hearing in my own conversations with coaching clients. For some it genuinely seems like it would be easier not to go on vacation. For one client, though, the family pressure was pretty high - in fact, the decision was made for him, "We are going on vacation!"

Once you've made the decision to take a vacation (or accepted the decision that's been made for you), you've taken your first milestone. But what else can you do, even before you go, to make your vacation restful and effective, rather than stressful and detrimental?

It all starts with planning. Tie up your loose ends before you leave for vacation

• What are the things that will need to be managed while you're away, and who will do those things? What resources will they need, and where can they find those resources?

• Who should people contact for assistance while you're away? Be sure to set up a special message for callers, with instructions for how to reach the right people. Also let callers know when they can expect a response (e.g., between 24-48 hours, within 1-2 business days).

• Will you be available for emergencies, and who has permission to contact you? Under what circumstances may people contact you?

• What responsibilities will you have immediately after returning? Get a jump start on these before you leave so you won't feel pressured when you return. For example, prepare a draft of your next sermon and/or newsletter.

Taking care of these practical tasks will help you do the most important preparation of all - get into the right mindset for your vacation, so that you can be away while you're away. We'll talk more about how to do that in our next post.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Hated by All Nations For The Testimony of Christ   

Learning to See God's Reality

"Here is your God... he will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped." ~Isaiah 35:4c,f, 5 (NRSV)

What is a multi-dimensional vision in Isaiah is a thing that works for us when we resolve to implement it. Having faith that God will save us enlarges our perception.

This is the phenomenon of seeing bigger; to see more as God sees.

But first, several things must be achieved: among them, the willingness to forego pride and to accept the truth; and, the ability to believe upon the salvation qualities of God delivering us - in many forms.

When we truly desire knowledge of God's will and the power to carry it out, and when we know that God is working all things toward our good, even if they seem bad just now, we can be blessed with the ability for seeing bigger.


We stand to be surprised. We will always be surprised. Our Lord is the God of Surprises. Not all of these surprises are pleasant initially, but we do find they are for our best when we look for the meaning in them.

That is what seeing bigger looks like.

It is about searching higher, longer, and deeper regarding the mysteries of life that confound us. Most of all seeing bigger is beneficial when we are tested; when we are all at sea in our little boats of quaking faith. It is seeing bigger that gets us through.

But seeing bigger is limited by the constriction of faith. When we come forth boldly in our faith, on the other hand, God blesses our faith with spiritual sight. He opens our eyes to see bigger. For those moments we are no longer blinded by the enemy. We can see the truth in all its glory.

When we stand expectantly in our faith, but expecting most of all to be surprised by God's answer, because we can never anticipate how God will answer, we see bigger.

Seeing bigger is a commitment to jettison our judgments and to cling to the holy vestiges of faith that are due our relationship with our Saviour, Jesus. Would a friend so perfect ever betray us? Should our faith be unstinting?

Ours is to wait patiently with open eyes and an open heart for what God is doing. God is active for us; those he calls his own.


We walk by faith and not sight. And when we do, we learn to see bigger. Then our faith grows. This is where life truly begins. We are happier when we see bigger.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   

Recovering The Gospel Of God's Grace

This is close to my central passion - recovering what has either been lost or simply missed in the gospel and then making it clearly and widely known. Oftentimes the gospel gets cluttered with a lot of baggage and dismissed by preconceived ideas. In this article I aim to share a summary of the central message, the climax of the ages; the good news of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

· What this is NOT

First let me clear the ground and tell you what I am not doing - I have not just unearthed a fantastic golden key for unlocking all mysteries, nor am I going to tell you to your open-mouthed amazement that I have just dug up in the Gobi desert, near fossil dinosaur eggs, a scroll that give a whole new slant on Christianity! Neither am I sharing how to meditate your way into the centre of divine consciousness. With those ideas cleared out of the way, we must ask, "Just what is the gospel - the central biblical message?"

· Christianity is Christ

This is where I am positively sharing the Lord Jesus Christ - he is the centre. In his humanity, Jesus was descended from David, a king of Israel. He who made all things, the eternally pre-existing second Person of the triune living God, was born in Bethlehem. At around 30 years of age, Jesus began his public ministry. He taught with astonishing authority as he announced the imminent royal reign of God, freely shared God's compassion, gave sight to the blind, cleansed lepers, welcomed moral outcasts and raised the dead. These mighty acts accredited and confirmed both Jesus' message and his Person, as Israel's long-awaited royal deliverer - their Messiah and Son of God (see Luke 5:13, Luke 18:41-43, John 11:44, Acts 2:22-24).

· God in action on behalf of others

In his crowning work as both God and man, Jesus gave himself into death as the final, divinely appointed sacrifice for sin (see John 1:29 & Hebrews 10:12), when he was publicly crucified by command of the Roman Governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate. But on the third day Jesus was raised, bodily resurrected by God, with many compelling evidences, as Lord over all for ever. All of this fulfilled what the Old Testament prophets had foretold. All was 'in accordance with the Scriptures' (1 Corinthians 15:3 & 4).

Jesus' setting in history shows that Christianity is rooted in a real person who fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies. We are not merely talking about wonderful ideas, but carefully recorded teaching and events that can be checked out as to their time and place.

· Jesus is Lord and Saviour

Following Jesus' resurrection and ascension to his rightful place of universal Lordship, he began to pour out the Holy Spirit empowering his disciples to spread the news of salvation to all the nations. God has spoken! He has made himself known in Scripture and supremely in the Lord Jesus. Now we may know that as well as creating all things and being himself the moral foundation of the universe, the eternal Son of God has gone to the limits of love, paying the awful price of sin, so that all who turn to him in repentance and faith may be freely forgiven (see Acts 13:38 & Romans 3:23, Ephesians 1:7, 2:8-9). Now they live for him who gave his all for them!

· How much we need to be saved!

The New Testament Scriptures explain how the terrible revolt against God's authority means we all share in the consequences - we are all law-breakers, sinners who continually miss God's perfect standard. We stand condemned, guilty and under sentence of eternal banishment from God. This was the sentence that Jesus willingly endured when he died on the cross. That is boundless grace and love - the self-sacrificing love of God that we see focused - at the cross.

· Grace is always more than you think!

God's grace is at the heart of the good news: Jesus' death is God's grace in action. Now he calls people to receive peace with God and to be justified by faith. And all freely on account of the perfect sacrifice for sins made by the Lord Jesus, God's sinless Son, when he shed his blood, dying upon the cross. Nowhere else will you ever hear of such love as this! This is the extraordinary good news of the grace of God. This is why when God's Spirit moves your heart and mind; you must call upon the Lord, trusting HIM to save you - rescuing you from sin's condemnation.

· You are never too bad!

None are too bad for such a great Saviour! Many indeed, would have written themselves off in their awful excess and hardness of heart unless the Good Shepherd had not lovingly pursued them. Many have felt a great weight of sin and guilt, before they simply trusted that the Lord Jesus has taken their place and died for their sins - Oh, he did it for me, and it can never be undone! They grasp that by faith they may be freely justified - declared 'not guilty'! Oh, the joy that follows - their utter sense of amazed wonder that God would welcome and freely forgive, even THEM! Here in salvation, we see the overflowing riches of God's grace in action! (See Ephesians 1:6 'glorious grace' and 2:7 'the immeasurable riches of his grace'). The Bible is very clear that 'salvation belongs to the Lord!' (Jonah 2:9).

· No-one has reached God's standard

Perhaps you feel you are not that bad and hardly need a Saviour at all, compared with many. This is where you must turn away from such pride, comparing your own performance with others! For, 'All have sinned'! (Romans 3:23).

This is the wonder and astonishment of the ages that God would forgive even those who have little idea how seriously he views their rebellion against himself! Are you amazed that God would freely forgive all who turn to him in repentance and faith? Then seek the Lord while he may be found and get right with him today. Prove that he also is the God of grace for you - overflowing in undeserved favour, as you trust his promise in 'the gospel of the grace of God' (Acts 20:24)!

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   

Understanding the Cycle That Perpetuates the Formations of Denominations

As we look back, today we can clearly see that the reformation process of attempting to reform something that was never built on the solid foundation from the onset was an exercise in futility.

This cycle that perpetuates the formation of denominations is not designed to bring the Church, the Body of Christ to come together in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of fullness of Christ; however it establishes winds of doctrine that ensure children are tossed to and fro. This process is contrary to the direction given to edify the body of Christ as outlined in Ephesians chapter four.

Jesus said, "No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, the old is better. (Luke 5:39) Listen carefully; understanding these words "drunk old wine straightway" is to the above passage of scripture of the utmost important. Moreover, with this understanding the problem regarding the division in the Church and the cycle that perpetuates the formation of denominations can be clearly understood and defined. The old wine is the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church - a church that is built on a faulty foundation after the beast had prevailed against the saints of God.

At the time when the beast prevailed against the saints of God, some of the saints called Emperor Constantine, the great, drinking the old wine straightway. Nevertheless, the gospel of the New Testament is new wine; this new wine was hidden from many. According to II Corinthians 4:3-4, "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine upon them." We must note here that in 606 AD the pope was declared "god on earth." It is imperative that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ shine, shine, shine in the name of JESUS.

Since, Christ established His Church, many saints of God have been deceived and some accepted doctrines of men and have accepted these doctrines without questions. (They drank the old wine straightway). Nevertheless, there were some saints that did not drink the old wine straightway. (They questioned the doctrines and reject some of it). Let us give God the glory for the ones that rejected some of the doctrine. For example, the Reformation began with Martin Luther's challenge in 1517. Martin Luther founded the Lutheran Church. John Calvin is another that did not drink the wine straightway; he founded the Presbyterian Church. There was an Anabaptists movement in A.D. 1521. In addition, another saint, John Smyth rejected the doctrine of sprinkling to replace immersion and he founded the Baptist Church. The list of saints goes on and on of individuals who rejected some of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. Reformation began with Martin Luther's challenge in 1517; Catholic Counter Reformation 1545 Council of Trent. Consequently, there was war that ended in 1648. Yes, many saints of God were willing to die for the glorious gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

However, the earlier reformers did not understand depth of this deception; nevertheless they were hot for Christ and were willing to die. The Catholic Church is built on a faulty foundation. At Galatians 1:6-9, we must note what Paul told the saints at that time and listen carefully as the Spirit of the Living God speaks to us today: (6) "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: (7) Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert gospel of Christ. (8) But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (9) As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

Although John Calvin, Martin Luther, and John Smyth and others rejected certain added doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, they maintained some doctrines that did not have scriptural foundation. Therefore, the doctrines of Calvin, Luther, Smyth, and some others were working toward the foundation that was written in the Word of God. Nevertheless, it is clear they did not reach the level of perfection of the rock that JESUS laid, the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus that built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Consequently, some drank the doctrines of these men straightway and some did not. Some of these individuals that rejected certain aspects of the doctrines of Luther, Calvin, and Smyth, created their own denominations. Up until now, this has been a never-ending process that perpetuates the formation of denominations; consequently, today we have over 33,000 denominations.

Besides, saints of God rejecting certain aspects of doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, some of these saints wanted to include certain aspects of the Word of God that was not included in the Roman Catholic Church's doctrines. Consequently, many years later there were Holiness movements and apostolic movements. Consequently, today we have some movements that are based on the Word of God and did not come out of the reformation process. However, today we are still experiencing problems in these movements that did not come out of the reformation process. Although these movements were not part of the reformation process, we still have a very difficult task.

Here are three of the reason the task is difficult: (1) some of the individuals that are in these movements today came out of denominations that were part of the reformation process and are holding onto traditions based on those experiences (2) some individuals think too highly of themselves and (3) some use bibles whereby the text has been changed - some of these changes are made to support traditions and practices - however some of these changes are made because some of the educated individuals removed, added, or changed text without lining up scriptures as required - precepts upon precepts, precepts upon precepts, line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little. Consequently, today there are millions of bibles that do not reflect the true word of God. The New International Version is just one example of a work that has altered the word of God.

Yes, Satan has been very effective in deceiving the educated. Some of the educated prefer the New International Versions (NIVs) of the Bible instead of the King James Version. Some of the writers of the NIVs have attempted to interpret verses textually independently of other verses. Consequently, they have made some serious mistakes by removing conjunctions, changing text, and deleting words. Consequently, the true intents of the scriptures are then buried in the King James' version of the Bible. Thus, new students of Bible Colleges and Universities, etc. drink the wine of NIV straightway. Some of these changes are serious - If new converts drink the wine of the NIV's straightway, it is possible that they will never understand who JESUS is and the importance of his name.

Therefore, the task before us is a very difficult one because we must work as one to make the bride ready for the marriage of the Lamb of God. We must share in love and discover the errors that have been made then work to effect the much needed edification process as defined in Ephesians Chapter Four. For this to occur, many of the Christian leaders must receive a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost and become new vessels. According to Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul writes, "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation where with ye are called. With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

Matthew 16:18 says, "Upon this Rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Mark 7:7 says, you can worship the lord in vain teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Ephesians 4:11-14, says Jesus gave some apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie wait to deceive. The Rock is knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Listen these saints of God accepted another doctrine.

When the saints of God receive this knowledge, they will no more be children, tossed to and fro by every wind of Doctrine. Satan used ancient Rome to make war against the saints of God.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   God Sees All and Knows All, Especially Our Hunger   

What Makes Wholesale Flowers So Special?

From bouquets to party decorations, from marriages to memorials, wholesale flowers are used on several occasions. Using fresh flowers on special occasions can bring in the joy and fill the atmosphere with a fragrance of freshness. Fresh flowers at affordable costs are always available at wholesale florists. There are many advantages of buying flowers from wholesale dealers. Apart from costing low, when ordered at a wholesale dealer, the flowers are picked up from the farm a day before the event and are shipped directly from the farms, to ensure that they remain fresh on arrival.

One can get all kinds of rare and seasonal flowers from a wholesale dealer, which can turn your big wedding day into a remarkable occasion. You may want to choose wholesale roses for your big day indicating your everlasting love for your special one. Wholesale calla lily, with a sense of serenity and tranquility can easily be one of the best bridal gifts. As far as bouquets and boutonnieres are concerned, wholesale garden roses are a perfect fit. Most people want their wedding to be very special, as far as the flower decorations are concerned. At the same time, they want the wedding to be cost effective. This is the reason why most people opt for a summer marriage. In a summer wedding, people can go for most lavish and exquisite flower decorations, including bouquets and centerpieces, consisting of colorful petals of different tropical flowers and garden roses, for a minimal price. Wholesale orchids, which are available all over the world in different colors like purple, white and pink, are seasonal flowers, which are mostly available in summer. Orchids are delicate, but can give a vibrant look to your event with their exotic colors. Summer flowers like daisies can be used in the centerpieces, bouquets and wedding arches. And who can forget wholesale lilies in a summer marriage decoration? Available in colors like white, red, pink, peach, and lavender, orange, yellow and many more, lilies are very popular in wedding bouquets and center pieces.

Professional florists also supply most elegant flowers like Casablanca Lily, Gardenia, Hydrangea etc which cost a bit higher compared to others. Flowers like Gardenia, Stephanotis are very delicate and expensive. But if you like the look or smell of these flowers when compared to roses, than I would suggest you to go for it!! After all, it's your personal choice to decide on the flowers at your wedding. And your choice, of course, will entirely depend on what a particular flower means to you.

Universalism, 5 - Jesus and Universalism? (3)   Universalism, 7 - Jesus and Universalism (5)   Venturing Into Completeness of Personality   Church Security in Light of Latest Shooting   Taking Daily Steps to the Cross   Christian Churches Become Wealthy While Children Die From Starvation   

Are You a Victim of Generic Industrial Deafness? You Deserve Compensation

At the workplace, there will be many types of jobs, but the loud ones are the most dangerous because they lead to generic industrial deafness which leads to permanent hearing loss one way or the other.

As an industrial worker you are always susceptible to all manner of dangers and risks at the workplace that can result into generic injuries. However, the good thing is that if you follow up, that is, if you are a victim of an industrial accident, you deserve compensation and with a good solicitor acting for you, you will get alright. Among some of the most complicated problems that you can get compensated for is the loss of hearing, either permanent or temporary which is also referred to as industrial deafness.

Most people who work in noisy places are usually affected by the noise and they end up with tinnitus, a very troublesome condition where you experience all manner of noises in your ears. It is amazing that many industrial workers can suffer but the most common one is tinnitus. Usually this is a condition that stays with one for life and it makes life every hard because with a hearing problem, you are not even likely to get hired again, soon. Chances are very high that if you work in very noisy workplaces, you are most likely going to suffer a hearing loss which if left to lurk for a long time turns to permanent deafness. Whatever the case, as a claimant you are going to be compensated and you could use that money to offset the medicals bills that you incurred as you looked for treatment. Whether you suffer from a major or a minor hearing loss, you should take care to make sure that you do not ignore the condition because it can deteriorate. In any case, you will have a good strong case to make a successful claim. You can file for compensation should industrial deafness strike you.

What Is Employment Liability Insurance?   Importance of Industrial Accident Compensation   Why Accident Compensation Is Necessary?   Workers Compensation Statistics   Industrial Accident Compensation - Be Aware of the Rules   

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